Frequently Asked Questions

What is our cancellation policy?

Truman Grey adheres to a 24-hour cancellation policy. If you cancel with less than 24 hours notice, we reserve the right to charge you for 25% of your appointment. All appointments booked through our app or via the web portal are subject to a 25% down payment. The balance will be collected upon checkout of your service.

No shows (appointments that are made and cancelled or not shown up for include appointments cancelled with an hour or less notice) are subject to forfeiture of your deposit and paid to the stylist.

Please contact Truman Grey management for further information. All policies listed are subject to the discretion of the owners and management team. Should you have questions, please contact us.

Should I arrive early for my appointment?

Please arrive ten minutes prior to your scheduled appointment to ensure plenty of time to complete any paperwork, and to take a moment to relax and decompress with a complimentary beverage.

Do you accept walk-ins or do I need to make an appointment?

Due to high client demand, we recommend that our guests pre-schedule their next appointment prior to leaving the salon for best availability. We do accept walk-ins based on availability.

What happens if I am running late?

Thank you for honoring your appointment time. Fifteen minutes late or more requires that we abbreviate or re-schedule your appointment in order to honor the appointments of our other guests.

How much will my service cost?

We have a tiered pricing system in the hair salon. If you are curious about the cost of various services, please see each service providers page for individual starting prices. All prices are subject to change without notice.

What happens if I don’t like my service?

In the event you are not satisfied with your service, we will happily provide you a “redo” service. Redo services are scheduled exactly like a regular appointment and are provided at no charge. A redo service can be scheduled with your original stylist or with an alternate stylist at your request.

To qualify for a redo service, please contact us within 14 days of your original appointment. No refunds are given for services. To discuss, please contact management at